

Kaitlinn Thatcher

Originally from the booming metropolis of McKinleyville, California, Kaitlinn now resides in the heart of America's Dairyland - Madison, Wisconsin. While living in New York City, Kaitlinn met her husband Brock, who is more commonly known on the podcast circuit as the DINK Lord. They were married in June of 2020 and thanks to Uncle Covid didn't have to worry about all that fun celebrating with friends and family nonsense or relaxing on an overseas honeymoon.

Always embracing the DINK life, Kaitlinn spends her childfree time picking up new hobbies like pickleball, playing frisbee with her pupper Juke, golfing, sipping everything from champagne to whiskey, and generally leaving a trail of destruction in her wake.


Rose Hooper

Both originally and currently residing in Northern California, Rose lives with her husband Tiny Boy or Clint if you are feeling formal. Marrying in the summer of 2015, they have enjoyed several years of DINK life so far.

The DINK life found Rose after years of infertility; but to that end, she has embraced it fully becoming a deadbeat dad to many, many plants. She enjoys cooking elaborate meals, elaborate skincare routines, and elaborate shenanigans. Most of all Rose enjoys life being an auntie to many and the most responsible degenerate around.